Tuesday, April 10, 2012

5 Famous Modern Myths Busted

Even in this modern days, we still use stories and believe in completely wrong urban legends. In the past it might be considered true but nowadays it's not the case, the researches have disproved and explained these myths once in for all. Now check some of the famous myths which is proven wrong... Sou...

Top 5 Biggest Catches In The World

Some fish are just bigger than others. Largest Lobster Ever Caught- MaineThe 27-Pound lobster was caught off the coast of Maine and is about the size of a 3-year-old toddler. Largest Catfish Ever Caught- Thailand The largest catfish ever caught on record measures just over 9 feet. After being caught, Thai villagers tried to keep it alive but despite great efforts, it sadly passed away. The Largest Stingray Ever Caught – Thailand This gigantic...

Most Bizarre Chinese Food

Some pretty disgusting Chinese food. Most Bizarre Chinese Food Just Taste It....Enjoy ...

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